MAS61015 Algebraic Topology
Lecturers: Markus Szymik and Neil Strickland

Module information

The syllabus, timetable and assessment arrangements are here.

Lecture notes

PDF download HTML version

Both versions of the notes contain links to various interactive demonstrations (described below) and videos.

The HTML version is new. It should be better than the PDF for viewing on a phone, or for reading with a screen reader. I would welcome any comments on either of these use cases.

There is also a separate survey of examples mentioned in the course.

I strongly recommend that you should attend lectures in person if possible. If you cannot do that, I recommend that you work from the notes and embedded videos and demonstrations. There is also a lecture progress page where you can see which sections of the notes have been covered in lectures.

Interactive demonstrations

There is a set of interactive demonstrations explaining many of the ideas in the course. I will talk through these in lectures, there are attached YouTube videos, and you can try them yourself at other times. These are experimental and under development. I welcome comments about the extent to which they are comprehensible, useful or interesting.


There will be eight homework assignments in each semester. The best five in each semester will each count for 2% of the overall course grade, making 20% in total. The remaining 80% will be based on a final exam. This will be a 2.5 hour formal closed book exam with five questions of equal value, of which you will be asked to complete four.

Weekly problems

These will appear here as the course progresses. I would prefer work submitted on paper, but you can send me a scan by email if necessary.

Problem sheet 15 Solutions
Please hand in Exercises 3 and 4 by the Wednesday lecture of Week 10.
Problem sheet 14 Solutions
Please hand in Exercise 1 by the end of Week 8.
Problem sheet 13 Solutions
Please hand in Exercises 2 and 3 by the Wednesday lecture of Week 7.
Problem sheet 12 Solutions
Please hand in Exercises 1 and 2 by the Wednesday lecture of Week 6.
Problem sheet 11 Solutions
Please hand in Exercises 2 and 4 by the Wednesday lecture of Week 5.
Problem sheet 10 Solutions
Please hand in Exercises 2 and 3 by the Wednesday lecture of Week 4.
Problem sheet 9 Solutions
Please hand in Exercises 2 and 9 by the Wednesday lecture of Week 3.

Past exam papers

For the 2024-25 version of the course, the best guide is the the real exams from 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24 and the mock exam from 2021-22. Below you will also find a large number of questions from earlier years. Some of these are compatible with the current version of the course and some are not. I have also provided a document explaining which material is examinable.

As well as revising the examinable material, you should make sure that you are familiar with all the examples in the course. These are summarised in the survey of examples.

Examinable material Short version Long version
2023-24 Exam Exam Solutions
2022-23 Exam Exam Solutions
2021-22 Exam Exam Solutions
2021-22 Mock exam Exam Solutions
Combined questions Problems Solutions
2020-21 Exam Solutions
2019-20 Exam Solutions
2018-19Exam Solutions
2017-18Exam Solutions
2016-17Exam Solutions
2015-16Exam Solutions
2014-15Exam Solutions

Contact details

Neil Strickland
Hicks Building, Room J26
0114 2223852