Most module information will appear here. There is also a
Blackboard page for the course,
with a discussion board etc.
There will be one lecture and one lab session each week.
In lectures, I will often write code live and talk about it.
I may also distribute tidier and more complete versions of that
code, possibly with associated
YouTube videos.
In the lab sessions, you will be asked to complete various
tasks, which will partially overlap with tasks covered in the lecture.
For some of these tasks, you will be asked to paste code
into an
test system.
These tests will count for 10% of your grade for the course.
There is a page of general instructions
which you should read before attempting any tests.
There will be three assignments, each of which will account for
30% of your overall grade.
For each assignment, you will be asked to submit a
Jupyter notebook containing a mixture of Python code and text with
mathematics written in LaTeX (via Markdown).
Most of the credit will be for intelligent and accurate
analysis of relevant mathematical issues and how they interact with
software issues. Only a smaller part of the credit will be for the
code itself.
You are welcome to send me email with questions, but you should
first read the page asking for help
for advice on how to ask questions effectively.
Setting up the environment
We will use Visual Studio Code as the main way to interact with
Python. This is already installed on the university open access
PCs, but you need to carry out a couple of small steps before
you can use it. You can also install VS Code and other required
software on your own PC or laptop. Instructions are given below: