MAS61015 Algebraic Topology

3. Topological spaces

We will now change direction, and spend some time building the required theory of topological spaces, which will serve as a foundation for the rigorous definition of homology groups.

Topological spaces are a generalisation of metric spaces. Knowledge of metric spaces is mostly assumed as a prerequisite, but will be reviewed briefly here. References marked [MS] refer to Dr Roxanas’s notes for MAS331 (Metric Spaces), but equivalent results can be found in many other sources.

Video (Definition 3.1 to Example 3.3)

Definition 3.1 (MS, page 8).

Let X be a set. A metric on X is a function d:X×X with properties as follows:

  • (a)

    For all x,yX we have d(x,y)0, and d(x,y)=0 iff x=y.

  • (b)

    For all x,yX we have d(x,y)=d(y,x).

  • (c)

    For all x,y,zX we have d(y,z)d(x,y)+d(y,z) (the Triangle Inequality).

A metric space is a set equipped with a metric.

Example 3.2 (MS, pages 9–10).

We can define three different metrics on n, as follows:

d1(x,y) =i=1n|xi-yi|
d2(x,y) =i=1n(xi-yi)2
d(x,y) =max(|x1-y1|,,|xn-yn|).

Later we will explain a sense in which these are essentially the same.

Example 3.3.

Consider the set Mn() of real n×n matrices (or any of the various subsets of Mn() discussed in Example 1.4). We can define a metric as follows:

trace(A) =i=1nAii
A =trace(ATA)
d(A,B) =A-B.

This is not really a new example. A little matrix algebra shows that trace(ATA)=i,j=1nAij2, so if we identify Mn() with n2 in the obvious way, then this new metric is just the same as the standard metric d2 in the previous example. However, this new formula for the metric makes it easier to combine with other constructions in matrix theory, such as the definition On={A|ATA=I} of the orthogonal group.

We will not need any examples that are much more exotic than these.

Video (Definition 3.4 to Proposition 3.12)

Definition 3.4 (MS, page 51).

Let X and Y be metric spaces, with metrics dX and dY. Let f be a function from X to Y. We say that f is continuous if it has the following property:

For all xX and ϵ>0, there exists δ>0 such that for all xX with dX(x,x)<δ, we have dY(f(x),f(x))<ϵ.

Lemma 3.5.

Suppose that f satisfies dY(f(x),f(x))dX(x,x) for all x,xX. Then f is continuous.


Suppose we are given xX and ϵ>0. We need to provide a number δ>0 and check that it has a certain property. We just take δ=ϵ. Suppose that we have xX with d(x,x)<δ=ϵ. By our assumptions on f, x and x, we then have d(f(x),f(x))d(x,x)<ϵ. This is the required property of δ. ∎

Definition 3.6 (MS, page 20).

Let X be a metric space, let a be a point of X, and let r be a positive real number. We put


and call this the open ball of radius r centred at a.

Definition 3.7 (MS, page 42).

Let X be a metric space, and let U be a subset of X. We say that U is open if for every point aU, there exists r>0 such that OB(a,r)U.

We also say that a subset FX is closed if the complement XF is open.

Remark 3.8.

Our definition of closed sets is not the same as in [MS, page 40], but it is equivalent to that definition, as proved in [MS, page 43].

Proposition 3.9 (MS, page 44).

In any metric space X:

  • (a)

    The empty set and the whole set X are open.

  • (b)

    The union of any collection of open sets is open.

  • (c)

    The intersection of any finite collection of open sets is open.

One of the main reasons for introducing metric spaces is to formalise the notion of a continuous map. The following result shows that we can do that using only the system of open sets, we do not actually need the metric.

Definition 3.10 (MS, page 56).

Let f:XY be any map of sets, and let B be a subset of Y. We put


and we call this the preimage of B under f.

Lemma 3.11.

Let f:XY be any map of sets.

  • (a)

    For any family of subsets BiY, we have f-1(iBi)=if-1(Bi) and f-1(iBi)=if-1(Bi).

  • (b)

    For any subset BY we have f-1(YB)=Xf-1(B).

  • (c)

    If g:YZ is another map of sets, and CZ, then we have (gf)-1(C)=f-1(g-1(C)).


For the first claim, we have xf-1(iBi) iff f(x)iBi iff (f(x)Bi for all i) iff (xf-1(Bi) for all i) iff xif-1(Bi). All the other claims can be proved in a similar way. ∎

Proposition 3.12 (MS, page 56).

Let f:XY be a function between metric spaces. Then the following are equivalent:

  • (a)

    f is continuous.

  • (b)

    For every open set VY, the preimage f-1(V)X is an open subset of X.

  • (c)

    For every closed set GY, the preimage f-1(G)X is a closed subset of X.

We can now introduce the theory of topological spaces, which was mentioned briefly at the end of [MS, Section 3].

Video (Definition 3.13 to Example 3.15)

Definition 3.13.

Let X be a set. A topology on X is a collection τ of subsets of X (which are called open sets) with the following properties:

  • (a)

    The empty set and the whole set X are open.

  • (b)

    The union of any collection of open sets is open.

  • (c)

    The intersection of any finite collection of open sets is open.

Example 3.14.

If X is a metric space, we can define open sets as in Definition 3.7. Proposition 3.9 then tells us that these open sets satisfy the axioms in Definition 3.13, so they give a topology on X, which we call the metric topology.

Example 3.15.

For any set X, we can introduce a topology by declaring that every subset is open. This is called the discrete topology. Although this is not very interesting, it does occur naturally: it is the most natural topology on for example. At the other extreme, we can introduce a different topology by declaring that only the sets and X are open. This is called the indiscrete topology. Unlike the discrete topology, this is rarely relevant.

Video (Lemma 3.16 to Corollary 3.17)

Lemma 3.16.

Suppose we have two different metrics on X, say d1 and d2. Suppose we also have positive constants c1 and c2 such that d1(x,y)c1d2(x,y) and d2(x,y)c2d1(x,y). Then a set UX is open with respect to d1 iff it is open with respect to d2. Thus, the metrics d1 and d2 give the same topology.


Suppose that U is open with respect to d1. Consider a point aU. By assumption, there exists r>0 such that B1(a,r)U, where B1(a,r) is the open ball defined using d1, or in other words


We claim that B2(a,r/c1) is also contained in U. Indeed, if xB2(a,r/c1), then d2(a,x)<r/c1, so d1(a,x)c1d2(a,x)<r, so xB1(a,r). However, we have B1(a,r)U by assumption, so xU. This proves that B2(a,r/c1)U as claimed. As we can do this for any aU, we see that U is open with respect to d2. By a symmetrical argument, if U is any set that is open with respect to d2, then it is also open with respect to d1. Thus d1 and d2 have the same open sets, and thus the same topology. ∎

Corollary 3.17.

The metrics d1, d2 and d all give the same topology on n.


In the light of the lemma, it will be enough to prove the inequalities


Put zi=|xi-yi|0, then choose p such that zp is the largest of all the terms zi. We then have


so the required inequalities are


For the third inequality, the sum contains n terms each of which is less than or equal to zp, so the total is at most nzp, as required. The other two inequalities are equivalent to


The first sum consists of zp2 plus some other nonnegative terms. In the second sum, the terms with i=j give the same as the first sum, and there are again some additional nonnegative terms. The claim is clear from this. ∎

Remark 3.18.

For p{1,2,} put


The inequalities in the above proof are equivalent to the claim that 1n.BnB1nB2nBn. This can be illustrated in the case n=2 as follows:

Video (Definition 3.19 to Proposition 3.24)

Definition 3.19.

Let X and Y be topological spaces, and let f be a function from X to Y. We say that f is continuous if for every open set VY, the preimage f-1(V) is open in X.

Remark 3.20.

Proposition 3.12 shows that when X and Y are metric spaces with the metric topology, this agrees with our earlier definition of continuity.

Example 3.21.

We can define a function f:44 by


The functions ex, sin(x) and cos(x) are known to be continuous, by basic real analysis. It is also standard that sums and products of continuous functions are continuous, and it follows that each of the four components of f is continuous. From this it follows easily that f itself is continuous. In future, we will not bother to discuss this kind of argument in detail.

Example 3.22.

As a very basic example, consider a constant function f:XY. This means that there is a single point bY such that f(x)=b for all x. Consider an open set UY. If bU then f-1(U)=X, and if bU then f-1(U)=. As both X and are open in X, we see that f-1(U) is always open. This proves that f is continuous.

Proposition 3.23.

Let f be as above. Then f is continuous iff for every closed subset GY, the preimage f-1(G) is closed in X.


Suppose that f is continuous. Let GY be closed; we must show that f-1(G) is closed in X. As G is closed in Y, we know that the complement YG must be open in Y, so f-1(YG) is open in X (by the definition of continuity). However, f-1(YG) is the same as Xf-1(G). As this is open, we see that f-1(G) must be closed, as required.

The converse can be proved in essentially the same way. ∎

Proposition 3.24.

Suppose that X, Y and Z are topological spaces, and we have continuous maps f:XY and g:YZ. Then the composite map gf:XZ is also continuous. Moreover, the identity map id:XX is also continuous.


Consider an open set WZ; we must show that the preimage (gf)-1(W) is open in X. As g is continuous, we see that g-1(W) is an open subset of Y. As f is continuous, it follows in turn that f-1(g-1(W)) is open in X. However, we have xf-1(g-1(W)) iff f(x)g-1(W) iff g(f(x))W iff x(gf)-1(W), so f-1(g-1(W)) is the same as (gf)-1(W). We have therefore proved that (gf)-1(W) is open in X, as required.

For the second claim, suppose that U is an open subset of X. Then id-1(U) is just the same as U, and so is open. This proves that id is continuous. ∎

Definition 3.25.

Let X be a topological space, and let Y be a subset of X. We declare that a subset VY is open in Y if there exists an open set U of X such that V=UY.

Proposition 3.26.

The above definition gives a topology on Y (which we call the subspace topology).

  • (a)

    The empty set can be written as the intersection of Y with the open set of X, so the empty set is open in Y. The full set Y can be written as the intersection of Y with the open set X of X, so Y is also open in Y.

  • (b)

    Suppose we have a collection of sets ViY that are open in Y; we must show that the union V*=iVi is also open in Y. As each Vi is open in Y, we can find open sets UiX such that Vi=UiY. We are assuming that the axioms for a topology are satisfied by the open sets in X, so the union U*=iUi is again open in X. The set V* can be written as U*Y, so it is open as required.

  • (c)

    Now suppose instead that we have a finite collection of sets V1,,Vn that are open in Y; we must show that the intersection V#=V1Vn is also open in Y. As in (b), we can choose open subsets U1,,Un with Vi=UiY. We are assuming that the axioms for a topology are satisfied by the open sets in X, so the intersection U#=iUi is again open in X. The set V# can be written as U#Y, so it is open as required.

Video (Lemma 3.27 to Proposition 3.29)

One very basic point about the subspace topology is as follows. We can define i:YX by i(y)=y for all yY. We call this the inclusion map.

Lemma 3.27.

If we give Y the subspace topology, then the inclusion map i:YX is continuous.


Consider an open set UX; we must show that i-1(U) is open with respect to the subspace topology on Y. But i-1(U) is just the same as UY, which is open by the definition of the subspace topology. ∎

We next deal with a slightly technical point. Suppose, for example, we want to discuss whether the function f(x)=sin(x) is continuous. We might want to regard this as a function from to , or as a function from to [-1,1]. We also might want to restrict the range of values of x, and consider f as a function defined on [0,2π] or [-π,π] or [0,) instead of all of . This leads us to worry about the following possibility: perhaps some of these versions of f(x) are continuous, and some of them are not. It would then be a nightmare to keep track of everything. Fortunately, however, this nightmare does not arise: if we can check that f is continuous as a map [-1,1], then all other versions of f are automatically continuous. This is the message of the following proposition.

Proposition 3.28.

Let X and Y1 be topological spaces. Let X0 be a subset of X, and let Y be a subset of Y1, with inclusion maps i:X0X and j:YY1. Let f be a continuous function from X to Y. Let f¯=jfi be the corresponding map X0Y1, obtained by restricting the domain to X0 and enlarging the codomain to Y1, so we have a commutative diagram as follows:

Then f¯ is also continuous.


This is just because i and j are continuous by Lemma 3.27, so jfi is continuous by Proposition 3.24. ∎

There is also a partial converse for the above result.

Proposition 3.29.

Let X and Y1 be topological spaces, and let j:YY1 be the inclusion of a subset with the subspace topology. Let f be a function from X to Y, and suppose that jf is continuous (or equivalently: f is continuous when regarded as a function XY1). Then f is continuous (as a function XY).


Let V be a subset of Y that is open with respect to the subspace topology. We must show that f-1(V) is open in X. By the definition of the subspace topology, there must exist an open set V1Y1 such that V=V1Y. This can also be written as V=j-1(V1), so f-1(V)=f-1(j-1(V1))=(jf)-1(V1). We are given that jf:XY1 is continuous and V1 is open in Y1 so (jf)-1(V1) is open in X. In other words, f-1(V) is open in X as required. ∎

Video (Lemmas 3.30 and 3.32)

Lemma 3.30.

Let Y be an open subset of X, and let V be a subset of Y. Then V is open with respect to the subspace topology on Y iff V is open with respect to the original topology on X.


First suppose that V is open with respect to the subspace topology. By definition, this means that V=UY for some subset UX that is open in X. Now both U and Y are open in X, so the intersection V=UY is also open in X, as required.

Suppose instead that we start from the assumption that V is open with respect to the original topology on X. If we just take U=V, we see that U is open in X and V=UY, so V is open with respect to the subspace topology. ∎

Lemma 3.31.

Let Y be an arbitrary subset of X, and let G be a subset of Y. Then G is closed (with respect to the subspace topology on Y) iff there exists a closed set FX such that G=FY.


If G is closed in Y, then the complement V=YG must be open in Y. This means by definition that there exists an open set UX such that V=UY. We can now put F=XU, which is a closed subset of X. We find that


so G has the form FY, as required. We leave the converse to the reader. ∎

Lemma 3.32.

Let Y be a closed subset of X, and let G be a subset of Y. Then G is closed with respect to the subspace topology on Y iff G is closed with respect to the original topology on X.


Now that we have Lemma 3.31, this can be proved in essentially the same way as Lemma 3.30. ∎

Lemma 3.33.

Let X be a topological space, and let U be a subset of X. Suppose that for each xU we can find an open set V such that xV and VU. Then U itself is open.


For each point xU, choose a set Vx as described, so Vx is open and xVx and VxU. Put V*=xVx. This is the union of a family of open sets, so it is open by the axioms for a topology. If we can prove that V* is the same as U, then we will be done. Each set Vx is contained in U, and it follows that the union V* is also contained in U. On the other hand, for each xU we have xVxV*, so UV*. As UV* and V*U we have U=V* as required. ∎

Video (Propositions 3.34 and 3.35)

Proposition 3.34 (Open patching).

Let f:XY be a function between topological spaces. Suppose we have subsets U1,,UnX such that

  • (a)

    Each set Ui is open.

  • (b)


  • (c)

    For each i, the restricted map fi:UiY is continuous (with respect to the subspace topology on Ui).

Then f is continuous.


Let V be an open subset of Y; we must show that f-1(V) is open in X. Let fi:UiY be the restriction of f. As fi is continuous by assumption, we know that fi-1(V) is open in Ui. By Lemma 3.30, this is the same as being open in X. Moreover, we see from the definitions that fi-1(V)=f-1(V)Ui. As iUi=X, we see that


We have seen that each set fi-1(V) is open, so the union of these sets is open, so f-1(V) is open as required. ∎

Proposition 3.35 (Closed patching).

Again let f:XY be a function between topological spaces. Suppose we have subsets F1,,FnX such that

  • (a)

    Each set Fi is closed.

  • (b)


  • (c)

    For each i, the restricted map fi:FiY is continuous (with respect to the subspace topology on Fi).

Then f is continuous.


By Proposition 3.23, it will be enough to show that f-1(G) is closed in X whenever G is closed in Y. After this preliminary step, the rest of the proof is essentially the same as for the previous proposition. ∎