MAS61015 Algebraic Topology

12. Abelian groups

To go further with homology, we will need some additional theory of abelian groups.

Video (Lemma 12.1 to Corollary 12.3)

We will almost always use additive notation for abelian groups, so the group operation will be denoted by a+b, the identity element by 0, and the inverse of a by -a. The product of groups A and B will usually be written AB rather than A×B.

The basic examples of finitely generated abelian groups are and /n. Recall that the elements of /n are the cosets i¯=i+n. These can be defined for all i, but they repeat with period n, so {0¯,,n-1¯} is a complete list of elements.

Lemma 12.1.

Let n, m and k be integers such that n,m>0 and kn is divisible by m. Then there is a well-defined homomorphism ϕ:/n/m given by ϕ(i+n)=ik+m.


We can certainly define a homomorphism ϕ0:/m by ϕ0(i)=ik+m. By assumption we have kn=qm for some q, so ϕ0(in)=ink+m=iqm+m, and this is the same as 0+m because iqmm. This shows that nker(ϕ0), so we have a well-defined homomorphism ϕ as described. ∎

Proposition 12.2 (The Chinese Remainder Theorem).

Suppose that n and m are positive integers that are coprime. Then there is an isomorphism ϕ:/nm/n/m given by


It is clear that the above formula gives a well-defined homomorphism. Next, as n and m are coprime, we can find integers a,b such that an+bm=1. By the lemma, there are well-defined homomorphisms α:/n/nm and β:/m/nm given by α(j+n)=bmj+nm and β(k+m)=ank+nm. We can combine these to define ψ:/n/m/nm by ψ(u,v)=α(u)+β(v). Taking account of the identity an+bm=1, this can be written more explicitly as


From the third and fourth expressions we see that this is equal to j mod n and equal to k mod m, so ϕψ=id. On the other hand, we have


so ψϕ is also the identity. ∎

Corollary 12.3.

Suppose that n=p1v1prvr, where p1,,pr are distinct primes and v1,,vr0. Then there is an isomorphism


given by


This follows from Proposition 12.2 by induction on r. ∎

Video (Definition 12.4 to Example 12.11)

Definition 12.4.

Let A be an abelian group, and let L=(a1,,ar) be a finite list of elements of A. Put


This is easily seen to be a subgroup of A. We say that L generates A if B=A. We say that A is finitely generated if there is a finite list that generates it.

Example 12.5.
  • (a)

    The list (1) generates .

  • (b)

    For r0, the standard basis vectors (e1,,er) generate r.

  • (c)

    The list (1+n) generates /n.

  • (d)

    If (a1,,ar) generates A and (b1,,bs) generates B then the list


    generates AB. Thus, if A and B are finitely generated, then so is AB.

  • (e)

    We can now see by induction that any group of the form


    is finitely generated.

  • (f)

    Suppose again that (a1,,ar) generates A. Let B be a subgroup of A, and let π:AA/B be the usual projection homomorphism, given by π(x)=x+B. It is then easy to see that the list (π(a1),,π(ar)) generates A/B, so A/B is again finitely generated.

  • (g)

    If A is a finite group then it is certainly finitely generated, because we can just take the full list of elements as generators.

Example 12.6.

Consider the polynomial ring [x] as an abelian group under addition; we will show that this is not finitely generated. Let L=(f1,,fr) be a finite list of elements of [x], and let B be the subgroup of -linear combinations of this list. Let d be the maximum of the degrees of all the polynomials fi. Any element of B has the form inifi for some integers ni, and so has degree at most d. It follows that xd+1B, so B is not all of [x], so L does not generate [x].

Example 12.7.

Consider the field as an abelian group under addition; we will show that this is not finitely generated. Let L=(q1,,qr) be a finite list of elements of , and let B be the subgroup of -linear combinations of this list. We can write qi as ai/bi for some ai,bi with bi>0. Put b=b1b2br, so bqi for all i. It follows easily that bx for all xB, so 1/(2b)B, so B is not all of , so L does not generate .

We now quote two theorems whose proofs can be found in almost any textbook on abstract algebra.

Proposition 12.8.

Let A be a finitely generated abelian group, and let B be a subgroup of A. Then B is also finitely generated. ∎

Theorem 12.9.

Let A be a finitely generated abelian group. Then A can be expressed (up to isomorphism) as the direct sum of a finite list of summands of the form or /pv (with p prime and v>0). Moreover, the list of summands is unique up to order. ∎

Example 12.10.

Put A=3 and B={(2n,2n,2n)|n}<A and C=A/B. We claim that C2/2. Indeed, we can define maps



ϕ(i,j,k+2) =(i+k,j+k,k)+C
ψ((p,q,r)+C) =(p-r,q-r,r+2)

It is an exercise to check that these are well-defined and inverse to each other.

Example 12.11.

Consider an abelian group A with |A|=72=2332. Theorem 12.9 tells us that this can be decomposed as a direct sum of groups of the form /pv, where p is prime and v>0. If /pv is a summand, then the order pv must divide |A|. Thus, the only possible summands are /2, /4, /8, /3 and /9. The only possibilities for the 2-power summands are /8 or /2/4 or /2/2/2. The only possibilities for the 3-power summands are /9 or /3/3. Thus, there are six possibilities for A:

A1 =/8/9
A2 =/2/4/9
A3 =/2/2/2/9
A4 =/8/3/3
A5 =/2/4/3/3
A6 =/2/2/2/3/3.

One might think that there were additional possibilities like /36/2, but the Chinese Remainder Theorem gives /36/4/9, so /36/2A2. Similarly, we have /72A1.

Video (Definition 12.12 to Lemma 12.20)

The following definition will turn out to be very important.

Definition 12.12.

Consider a pair of homomorphisms A𝛼B𝛽C of abelian groups. Recall that we have subgroups

img(α) ={α(a)|aA}={bB|b=α(a) for some aA}B
ker(β) ={bB|β(b)=0}B.

We say that the pair is exact if img(α)=ker(β). We also say that the pair is short exact if it is exact, and α is injective, and β is surjective.

Remark 12.13.

It is standard that α is injective iff ker(α)=0 and β is surjective iff img(β)=C. Thus, the sequence is short exact iff we have ker(α)=0 and img(α)=ker(β) and img(β)=C.

Example 12.14.
  • (a)

    For any abelian groups A and B we have a short exact sequence A𝑗AB𝑞B given by j(a)=(a,0) and q(a,b)=b.

  • (b)

    For any n>0 we have a short exact sequence 𝜇𝜋/n given by μ(x)=nx and π(y)=y+n.

  • (c)

    For any n,m>0 we have a short exact sequence /n𝛼/nm𝛽/m given by α(i+n)=mi+nm and β(j+nm)=j+m.

  • (d)

    If we define α:22 by α(x,y)=(y,0), then the sequence 2𝛼2𝛼2 is exact but not short exact.

Proposition 12.15.
  • (a)

    A sequence 0B𝛽C is exact iff β is injective.

  • (b)

    A sequence A𝛼B0 is exact iff α is surjective.

  • (c)

    If A𝛼B𝛽C is exact, then α=0 iff β is injective.

  • (d)

    If A𝛼B𝛽C is exact, then β=0 iff α is surjective.

  • (e)

    A sequence 0A0 is exact iff A=0.

  • (a)

    Consider a sequence 0BC. The image of the first map can only be zero, so the sequence is exact iff ker(β)=0, which means that β is injective.

  • (b)

    Consider a sequence A𝛼B0. The kernel of the second map is all of B, so the sequence is exact iff img(α)=B, which means that α is surjective.

  • (c)

    Consider an exact sequence A𝛼B𝛽C. It is clear that α is the zero homomorphism iff img(α) is the zero subgroup of B, and β is injective iff ker(β)=0. As img(α) and ker(β) are the same, we see that α=0 iff β is injective.

  • (d)

    Similarly, it is clear that α is surjective iff img(α)=B, and β=0 iff ker(β)=B. As img(α) and ker(β) are the same, we see that α is surjective iff β=0.

  • (e)

    Consider a sequence 0A0. The image of the first map is 0, and the kernel of the second map is A. The sequence is exact iff these two subgroups are the same, iff A=0.

Definition 12.16.

Consider a longer sequence


We say that this is exact at Ai if img(αi-1)=ker(αi), so the subsequence


is exact. We say that the whole sequence is exact if it is exact at Ai for all i.

Example 12.17.

Consider a sequence


This is exact at A iff α is injective, and exact at C iff β is surjective. Thus, the whole sequence is exact iff A𝛼B𝛽C is short exact.

Example 12.18.

Consider the group /4={0,1,2,3} and the homomorphism α:/4/4 given by α(a)=2a. We then find that img(α)=ker(α)={0,2}, so the sequence


is exact.

Lemma 12.19.

A sequence 0A𝛼B0 is exact iff α is an isomorphism.


The sequence is exact iff ker(α) is the image of the map 0A (so ker(α)=0) and img(α) is the kernel of the map B0 (which is all of B). The first condition means that α is injective, and the second means that α is surjective, so the two conditions together mean that α is an isomorphism. ∎

Lemma 12.20.

Let A𝛼B𝛽C be a short exact sequence. Then A is isomorphic to the subgroup img(α)=α(A)B, and the quotient group B/α(A) is isomorphic to C. Moreover, the group B is finite iff A and C are both finite, and if so, we have |B|=|A||C|.


As the sequence is assumed to be short exact, we know that α is injective and β is surjective and img(α)=ker(β).

We can considar α as a homomorphism from A to α(A). In this context it is surjective (by definition of α(A)) and injective (by assumption) so it is an isomorphism, as required.

Next, as β:BC is a surjective homomorphism, the First Isomorphism Theorem tells us that it induces an isomorphism B/ker(β)C. By the exactness assumption we have ker(β)=α(A), so we have B/α(A)C as claimed.

Suppose that A and C are finite. We can divide B into cosets for the subgroup α(A). As α:Aα(A) is an isomorphism we have |α(A)|=|A|, so each coset has size |A|. There is one coset for each element of the group B/α(A)C, so the number of cosets is |C|. Thus, the total number of elements is |B|=|A||C|<.

Conversely, suppose that B is finite. As A is isomorphic to a subgroup of B, it is also finite. As C is isomorphic to a quotient of B, it is also finite. We can then go back to the last paragraph to see that |B|=|A||C| again. ∎