MAS334 Combinatorics

15. Block Designs

We now consider matching problems again, but from a rather different point of view. Before, we were given a matching problem and we tried to solve it, or count the number of possible solutions. Here instead we will try to find matching problems that have certain special properties, which in particular make them highly symmetrical. Highly symmetrical combinatorial objects are always interesting and often have applications. In particular, the material in this chapter can be used for efficient design of experiments where one wants to test multiple interacting factors without performing more tests than necessary. It can also be used to design computer communication systems that can detect and correct some transmission errors.

Before, we had a set A of people and a set B of jobs, and for each job bB we had a subset CbA of people who are qualified to do that job. For each person a we also considered the set Ra of jobs that they are qualified to do. This can be expressed in symbols as Ra={bB|aCb}.

The framework in this chapter will be mathematically equivalent but we will follow tradition in using slightly different terminology. We will have a set B of “blocks” and a set V of “varieties”. For each block jB we have a corresponding subset CjV. For any variety pV we again define Rp={jB|pCj}.

Video (Definition 15.1 and Proposition 15.4)

Definition 15.1.

Consider numbers v,b,r,k,λ>0 with k<v and r<b. A block design with parameters (v,b,r,k,λ) is a matching problem as above, with the following properties:

  • (a)


  • (b)


  • (c)

    |Rp|=r for all pV

  • (d)

    |Cj|=k for all jB

  • (e)

    |RpRq|=λ for all p,qV with pq.

In words: there are v varieties and b blocks, every variety is in precisely r blocks, every block contains precisely k varieties, every pair of distinct varieties is in precisely λ blocks.

Remark 15.2.

As CjV and |Cj|=k and |V|=v it is automatic that kv. If k were equal to v then that would mean that Cj=V for all j, which is like a job allocation problem in which every person is qualified to do every job. However, we specified as part of the definition that k<v, so as to exclude this uninteresting case. The condition r<b also has the same effect.

Example 15.3.

Put B={1,,12} and V={1,,9} and

C1 ={1,2,3} C2 ={4,5,6} C3 ={7,8,9}
C4 ={1,4,7} C5 ={2,5,8} C6 ={3,6,9}
C7 ={1,5,9} C8 ={2,6,7} C9 ={3,4,8}
C10 ={1,6,8} C11 ={2,4,9} C12 ={3,5,7}

The corresponding sets Rp are

R1 ={1,4,7,10} R2 ={1,5,8,11} R3 ={1,6,9,12}
R4 ={2,4,9,11} R5 ={2,5,7,12} R6 ={2,6,8,10}
R7 ={3,4,8,12} R8 ={3,5,9,10} R9 ={3,6,7,11}.

It is now visible that |V|=9 and |B|=12 and |Cj|=3 for all j and |Rp|=4 for all p. We also have


In fact, we have |RpRq|=1 for all pq, as we can see by a long but easy check of cases. Thus, the above sets give a (9,12,4,3,1) block design.

Proposition 15.4.

If there is a (v,b,r,k,λ)-block design, then bk=vr and bk(k-1)=λv(v-1) and r(k-1)=λ(v-1) and λ<r.



X ={(j,p)B×V|pCj}

We can use the first description to find |X|: there are b ways to choose jB, and then |Cj|=k ways to choose pCj, so |X|=bk. Alternatively, we can use the second description. There are v ways to choose pV, and then |Rp|=r ways to choose jRp, so |X|=vr. By comparing these, we see that bk=vr. Now put

Y ={(j,p,q)B×V×V|p,qCj,qp}

We can again use the first description to find |Y|: there are b ways to choose jB, then k ways to choose pCj, then k-1 ways to choose a different element qCj, giving |Y|=bk(k-1). Alternatively, we can use the second description: there are v ways to choose pV, then v-1 ways to choose a different element qV, then |RpRq|=λ ways to choose jRpRq, giving |Y|=λv(v-1). By comparing these, we get bk(k-1)=λv(v-1). We can now substitute our first equation bk=vr into our second equation bk(k-1)=λv(v-1) and then divide by v to get r(k-1)=λ(v-1). Rearranging this, we get λ/r=(k-1)/(v-1). As one of our axioms we assumed that k<v, so (k-1)/(v-1)<1, so λ/r<1, so λ<r. ∎

Proposition 15.5.

In any block design, we have vb.


It will be harmless to assume that V={1,,v} and B={1,,b}.

For p=1,,v we let 𝐫p be the p’th row of the incidence matrix, so 𝐫pb with

(𝐫p)j={1 if jRp0 if jRp.

We also put 𝐞=(1,1,,1)b. We claim that

𝐫p𝐞=r    𝐫p𝐫q={r if p=qλ if pq    𝐫p(r𝐫q-λ𝐞)={r(r-λ) if p=q0 if pq.

Indeed, as 𝐞=(1,1,,1), the dot product 𝐫p𝐞 is just the sum of the entries in 𝐫p, which is |Rp|=r. Similarly, the j’th term in 𝐫p𝐫p is 12=1 if jRp and 02=0 if jRp, so 𝐫p𝐫p=|Rp|=r again. On the other hand, if qp then the j’th term in 𝐫p𝐫q is 1 if jRpRq and zero otherwise, so 𝐫p𝐫q=|RpRq|=λ. If we multiply this relation by r and multiply the relation 𝐫p𝐞=r by λ and subtract, we get 𝐫p(r𝐫q-λ𝐞)=0 in the case qp. A similar argument gives 𝐫p(r𝐫p-λ𝐞)=r2-λr=r(r-λ), as claimed. Note also that Proposition 15.4 gives r>λ>0, so r(r-λ)0.

We next claim that the vectors 𝐫1,,𝐫vb are linearly independent. Indeed, suppose we have a linear relation


For any q, we can take the dot product with the vector r𝐫q-λ𝐞, giving p=1vαp𝐫p(r𝐫q-λ𝐞)=0. The dot product relations proved above show that all the terms on the left are zero apart from the term where p=q; we therefore get αqr(r-λ)=0. As r(r-λ)0 this gives αq=0. This works for all q, so α1==αv=0. This proves linear independence.

It is a basic fact of linear algebra that the maximum possible length of a linearly independent list in b is the dimension b. Thus, we must have vb. ∎

Note that the conclusion bv is a purely combinatorial fact, so it is interesting that we have had to make a detour into linear algebra to prove it.

Definition 15.6.

A symmetric design is one in which b=v.

Remark 15.7.

Proposition 15.5 tells us that in some sense symmetric designs are maximally efficient (but they are quite hard to produce). Recall from Proposition 15.4 that bk=rv. From this we see that a symmetric design also satisfies k=r. Example 15.3 has v=9 and b=12 so it is not symmetric.

We next discuss an interesting construction that uses some number theory to produce a symmetric block design.

Video (Definition 15.8 to Lemma 15.14)

Definition 15.8.

Let p be a prime number of the form p=4n+3, so


We put

Q={i/p|i=j2 for some j/p with j0},

and call this the set of quadratic residues. We then have a matching problem with B=V=/p and Cj=j+Q.

Remark 15.9.

We have mCj iff mj+Q iff m-jQ iff jm-Q, so Rm=m-Q.

Example 15.10.

Take p=7, so p=4n+3 with n=1 and /p={0,±1,±2,±3}. We have (±1)2=1 and (±2)2=4=-3(mod7) and (±3)2=9=2(mod7), so Q={1,2,-3}. This gives

C0 ={1,2,-3} R0 ={-1,-2,3}
C1 ={2,3,-2} R1 ={0,-1,-3}
C2 ={3,-3,-1} R2 ={1,0,-2}
C3 ={-3,-2,0} R3 ={2,1,-1}
C-1 ={0,1,3} R-1 ={-2,-3,2}
C-2 ={-1,0,2} R-2 ={-3,3,1}
C-3 ={-2,-1,1} R-3 ={3,2,0}.

One can check that |RlRm|=1 whenever lm, so this is a (7,7,3,3,1)-block design.

Example 15.11.

Take p=11, so p=4n+3 with n=2 and /p={0,±1,±2,±3,±4,±5}. We have (±1)2=1 and (±2)2=4 and (±3)2=9=-2(mod11) and (±4)2=16=5(mod11) and (±5)2=25=3(mod11), so


I particular, we have |Q|=5 and so |Cj|=5 for all j and |Rm|=5 for all m. We also have


so |R0R1|=2. In fact we have |RlRm|=2 for all lm, so we have a (11,11,5,5,2)-block design. This will follow from Theorem 15.16, which we will prove below.

Recall from Proposition 14.35 that the set (/p){0} is a group under multiplication, with order p-1=4n+2.

Lemma 15.12.

The set Q is a subgroup of (/p){0} and has |Q|=2n+1. Moreover, for each i{1,,2n+1}, precisely one of i and -i is in Q.

This last claim is clearly visible in the cases p=7 (where Q={1,2,-3}) and p=11 (where Q={1,-2,3,4,5}).


Put U=(/p){0} for brevity. We can define a homomorphism α:UU by α(u)=u2, and then Q is the image of α (which is one way to see that it is a subgroup). The First Isomorphism Theorem shows that QU/ker(α) and so |Q|=|U|/|ker(α)|. Here


As /p is a field, the product of two terms can only be zero if one of the terms is zero, so the equation (u-1)(u+1)=0 can only hold if u=±1. This shows that ker(α)={1,-1}, so |Q|=|U|/2=2n+1. We next claim that -1Q. Indeed, if we have -1=u2 then u would be an element of order 4 in U, but that is impossible (by Lagrange’s Theorem) because the order |U|=2n+2 is not divisible by 4. Next, if -i and i were both in Q then the element -1=-i.i-1 would also be in Q, which is false. Thus, each of the sets {1,-1},{2,-2},,{2n+1,-(2n+1)} contains at most one element of Q. As |Q|=2n+1, we see that each of these sets must contain precisely one element of Q. ∎

From Lemma 15.12 it is clear that |Cj|=|j+Q|=|Q|=2n+1 for all j, and that |Rm|=|m-Q|=|Q|=2n+1 for all m. However, it is not yet clear what we can say about |RlRm| when lm. For this we need some more definitions.

Definition 15.13.

We put D={(u,v)Q×Q|uv}, so |D|=|Q|(|Q|-1). As |Q|=2n+1, this gives |D|=(4n+2)n. Also, for x/p with x0 we put Dx={(u,v)D|u-v=x}. We note that D is the disjoint union of the subsets Dx, so |D|=x|Dx|.

Lemma 15.14.

|Dx|=n for all x.


Recall from Lemma 15.12 that either x or -x is a square. Suppose for the moment that x is a square. Suppose that (u,v)D1, so u and v are squares with u-v=1. It is clear that the product of two squares is a square, so ux and vx are squares with ux-vx=x, so (ux,vx)Dx. Conversely, if (u,v)Dx then (u/x,v/x)D1. From this it is clear that |Dx|=|D1|.

Now suppose instead that -x is a square. If (u,v)D1 then -vx and -ux are squares with (-vx)-(-ux)=(u-v)x=x, so (-vx,-ux)Dx. Conversely, if (u,v)Dx then (-v/x,-u/x)D1. From this it is again clear that |Dx|=|D1|.

We now see that |Dx|=|D1| in all cases, and the number of possibilities for x is p-1=4n+2. The equation |D|=x|Dx| now becomes |D|=(4n+2)|D1|. However, we saw previously that |D|=(4n+2)n, so |D1|=n, so |Dx|=n for all x. ∎

Example 15.15.

We will show how the above lemma works out in the case where p=11 and so n=2 and Q={1,-2,3,4,5}. The table below shows the differences u-v for u,vQ with uv.

We can read off the sets Dx from this. For example, to find D5 we look in the table and see that 5 appears in the position where u=-2 and v=4, and also in the position where u=3 and v=-2. We therefore have D5={(-2,4),(3,-2)}. The complete list of sets Dx is as follows:

D1 ={(4,3),(5,4)} D-1 ={(3,4),(4,5)}
D2 ={(3,1),(5,3)} D-2 ={(1,3),(3,5)}
D3 ={(1,-2),(4,1)} D-3 ={(-2,1),(1,4)}
D4 ={(-2,5),(5,1)} D-4 ={(5,-2),(1,5)}
D5 ={(-2,4),(3,-2)} D-5 ={(4,-2),(-2,3)}

We find that |Dx|=2=n in every case, as predicted by the lemma.

Theorem 15.16.

The matching problem in Definition 15.8 is a (4n+3,4n+3,2n+1,2n+1,n)-block design.


All that is left is to show that |RlRm|=n for all lm. Recall that Rl=l-Q, so jRl iff l-jQ. Thus, if jRlRm we see that l-j,m-jQ and of course (l-j)-(m-j)=l-m so (l-j,m-j)Dl-m. We can therefore define a map f:RlRmDl-m by f(j)=(l-j,m-j). In the opposite direction, suppose that (u,v)Dl-m, so u,vQ with u-v=l-m or equivalently l-u=m-v. If we put j=l-u=m-v then we find that jRl (because Rl=l-Q and j=l-u) and also jRm (because Rm=m-Q and j=m-v), so jRlRm. Using this we see that f is a bijection, so |RlRm|=|Dl-m|. We also know from Lemma 15.14 that |Dl-m|=n, so |RlRm|=n as required. ∎